THAT'S EXACTLY how I feel too about vlogging and online video in general. In theoretical terms I like the idea, which is generally more appealing than text. But it's just that I don't have the time, and even when I do I feel my scarce available time is better put to use at other stuff, namely... reading more text. Quicker and to the point.
It's as if I was always thinking in the back of my head about the information's cost of opportunity, so I tend to keep the URL of the videos I want to watch and, with some exceptions, I leave them for some other day. Which means the weekends but, who wants to spend them watching videos at the computer, instead of, say, hanging out or going outdoors? I spend too much time sitting in front of a computer during weekdays, anyway; and on weekends I still need to be more efficient with my time at the computer, not less, in order to have time for other things. Which makes watching video even less likely. It's a sort of a Catch 22.
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