Tuesday, October 04, 2005

THE TWO FACES OF IRAN is a fantastic photo essay about something that we don't usually know in Western countries because the media can't, or maybe simply don't want to, report:
In observing the mainstream media representations of his country that callously align all Iranian citizens with their fundamentalist government, Eric Grigorian seeks to insist through images the insurgence of a young, reformist majority in Iran. His essay, “The Two Faces of Iran”, documents the widespread opposition movements exerted by Iranian youths today, a generation that makes up more than 70 percent of the nation’s population. Presenting photographs in black and white as well as in color, he seeks to rupture the one-dimensional impressions of Iran, illuminating for the American public a dynamic perspective of his country that is often sheltered from public opinion.
Don't miss it (via Gateway Pundit).

More pictures here.

UPDATE. Look at the results of this poll (via Roger Simon). As all online polls, it's not exactly scientific, but it's telling indeed.

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