Monday, December 06, 2004

JUAN HERVADA is back from his long blogging hiatus, and it was about time! I have been looking forward to his posts since he's become one of my favorite Spanish bloggers (though he writes many entries in English too). Juan is a experienced Spanish journalist living in France and was in the US covering the US elections with his unique perspective. I'll be looking forward to reading his posts; he had told me by email that he had a lot of things to write about how many things in European's conventional wisdom about US politics are wrong.

After the US, he came to Spain spending three weeks doing some research and interviewing people about the country's economic prospects for 2005:
The situation there is chaotic in more than one way, with at least a dozen of different factions vying for power within the clannish Spanish left. Zapatero is fast losing his shine and people start to realize that the terrorist attacks in Madrid last March maybe were some sort of coup d’état. I intend to write about that and, generally speaking, about Spain in the coming weeks, since it appears to me that it is still the weakest link in the War on Terror…
Welcome back, Juan; I'll be looking to read your insights.