I'M NOT PRO-MONARCHY in the sense that I don't believe that any office should be hereditary, including the head of state. But I can't help but cheer on king Juan Carlos today:

‘Why don’t you shut up!’UPDATE (Sunday). Daniel of Venezuela has more. And as I wrote in my Spanish blog, I also commend Zapatero -if you follow this blog you know I'm not exactly a fan. But it's the first time he has raised above partisanship and showed some institutional respect towards his antecessor.
The words of King Juan Carlos 1 of Spain to the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chávez, in the closing session of the Latin American summit today.
The Spanish monarch lost his cool when Chávez called the ex Spanish Prime Minister, José María Aznar, a fascist on several occasions. King Juan Carlos then got up and walked out of the session in a gesture without precedent, and just in time to hear the Nicaraguan President, Daniel Ortega, criticising Spanish businesses and the role of Union Fenosa in Nicaragua in particular. The King was to return later, but was not present for the singing of the Chilean hymn which closed the debates.
Here's the video, for those of you who understand Spanish:
UPDATE II. Joe Gandelman has a roundup.
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