AFTER GOOGLE, YAHOO OR CISCO now it's Skype who is apparently censoring in China.
If you're angry at them for that, you must know there are alternatives. Skype is a good idea, and technically it works fine (sound quality is great), and a big advantage is that it doesn't require hardly any configuration. But personally I favor the SIP standard which is completely transparent with POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service). I have several providers and not only I can have numbers in the US and in Spain (like Skype), but I can use it flexibly, both on my PCs and in a phone handset. In my studio I use a 4-line desk phone with 3 different VoIP providers, and on the road I use the X-PRO softphone in my laptop. All transparent, with the possibility of interconnection and completely integrated in the regular phone network wherever I happen to be. And no, I'm not a techie, not at all; I simply don't mind spending some time figuring how these things work, but I admit a lot of people simply prefer using something that doesn't require a tricky configuration. Still, it's good to know there are alternatives.
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