NOMRAN GEARS IN THE GRAUDIAN!* Aiming at terror apologists among us, no less. Wonder if they'll take the hint:
Within hours of the bombs going off two weeks ago, the voices that one could have predicted began to make themselves heard with their root-causes explanations for the murder and maiming of a random group of tube and bus passengers in London. It was due to Blair, Iraq, illegal war and the rest of it. The first voices, so far as I know, were those of the SWP and George Galloway, but it wasn't very long - indeed no time at all, taking into account production schedules - before the stuff was spreading like an infestation across the pages of this newspaper, where it has remained.Well, the guys in Barcelona's El Periódico -Barcelona 2nd biggest newspaper- are not only apologists, they're cheerleaders. Look at Page one of today's edition, after yesterday's bomb wave in London:

Translation: "Al Qaeda ridicules London security". At least they didn't print "Yippie yay!" all across the cover, let's give them credit for that.
I am ashamed for having several op-eds written in that newspaper in the past (with my real name, so don't bother searching!). Can't wait to tell them "no" when they call me again.
(* Mispellings on purpose; for those of you who don't know, The Guardian is not-so-affectionally called "The Graudian" by critics who point at the increasingly frequent typos as a proof of lowering standards in a formerly respected newspaper.)
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